Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Beginning

I think I knew early on that Butterfly Girl was different. I am embraced it savagely, defiantly. My daugther was special. Now, Butterfly Girl is five years old. This blog will serve as a record of our journey into the unknown. Some call it mental illness. Others attribute it parenting mistakes. And still others call it childhood rebellion. I call it a journey into being. With all the love a parent can have for their child, let the journey begin.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How beautiful, how insightful, how blessed is your daughter to be the daughter of her parents' adoration. She is a BELOVED BUTTERFLY . . .
Your path must feel lonely sometimes. Parenting must seem overwhelming. Answers hide under layers of misunderstanding. BUT--she is loved for who she is: Butterfly Girl. That she knows, in spite of all else. YOU AND SHE WILL FIND YOUR WAY ON THIS JOURNEY.
I'd like to walk the way with you . . .