Thursday, March 26, 2009

Losing Peter

The MOVE is almost over thanks to my parents helping out. We were so happy to be in our new home tonight with everything finally here and although we still have some unpacking to do it really feels like home. Unfortunately, our dogs got out of the yard today - we still don't know how they escaped. Several hours of looking around the neighborhood turned up nothing. I finally got a call from a man who had found Ava but no sign of Peter. Ava is safely home again. 

Butterfly is very sad. She told me she is worried about Peter. I am too. Partner is beyond upset. I really don't know what to do. If I think of the things that could happen to Peter it is overwhelming. I just keep telling myself and Butterfly that someone has him in their home tonight. He has eaten a big dinner and is now snuggled up sleeping.

It is hard to manage the range of emotion we feel right now butwe are still happy to be at the new house. The kids have actually adjusted extremely well. Butterfly tells me often that she loves her new house. Brother says he "loves the neighborhood." Losing Peter is not what any of us need right now- we are so worried about him. It is so horrible. I have to imagine him safe.

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