We have no idea what to do.
There are so many things that we like about the school. They have a humanistic approach. The teach non-violence. There are only 125 students in the whole school- and it goes through 8th grade. They encourage (actually require) parent involvement. They do not suspend- they do have "reflections days" Before a student can return after a "reflection day" they must have a reentry meeting which includes the teacher, the student, the parents and others as appropriate.
They do not have desks. They do not use textbooks. They do have high test scores. They do have kids that have struggled in more traditional settings. The former Principal there- our friend- who knows Butterfly and some of her struggles- thinks it would be a great spot for her.
Since it is a charter, it would allow us to move somewhere cheaper in LA without worrying we are jeopardizing the kids home school. And we have to move somewhere cheaper by July. That means that Butterfly would have to switch schools in 1st grade anyway. Brother would be guaranteed a spot.
The questions we want to ask are- How do they handle a child that is disruptive in class? What is the structure? Would Butterfly have the option to write in her diary or draw or whatever when she feels the need (they won't let her at her current school)? What skills and resources do they have in place for working with Butterfly? etc.
I told Partner- if we make the move, let's just assume that nothing would be better. Things might actually escalate for a while. Then let's listen to their answers- objectively. And make the decision. We have to decide next week.
Partner asked Butterfly what she would think of a different school- Butterfly responded it would be good. When Teacher filled out the check box form for the psychiatrist re Butterfly's behavior, one of the things she checked was that Butterfly has no friends. It is painfully apparent when I drop off or pick up. Her impulse and personal boundary struggles have ostracized her from her classmates.
Maybe this would be a fresh start - although I know you can't run from your problems. But maybe, just maybe, this would be a good time to do it. Now that she is in therapy. Since she does not have friends at her current school. Since she knows Teacher is frustrated. Maybe a clean slate would help. But, we really just don't know.
No matter what, it would eventually provide that stability for when we have to move... and we wouldn't have to be concerned about the local neighborhood school- whether it was a good fit. I look forward to figuring it out. I am excited to go on Monday.
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