The other day we got a call from School to come pick up Butterfly. She had bitten someone (that is a new one) and was having a very hard time. Teacher told her that she was going to have go home because biting was not okay, etc... Butterfly did not want to leave school and was scratching a spiting. Partner headed out to pick her up. However, on the way, Teacher called and said don't come- something amazing is happening. Apparently, Butterfly and one of the little girls she had gotten into it with were sitting down and talking through it.
Butterfly told the girl that she had been crying the night before because the little girl was not nice to her and gave her mean looks and did not include her. Then the other little girl shared that she did not like it when Butterfly made noises (sometimes Butterfly will make noises that can be very disrupting). They went on talking and ended up making an agreement with each other. Butterfly asked her to tell her when she was making noises that bothered the little girl and she would stop. Then they started talking about their families- the little girl shared that she used to have a mom and dad but that her dad now lived in another house and that was hard. Butterfly shared that she had two moms and a little brother.
They continued talking and playing together for the rest of the afternoon. It was a huge turning point for Butterfly that both helped her see how to work through things with words and also how to listen to someone else's needs and I think it also made her feel more accepted. It was so wonderful- she seemed so relaxed and at ease later that evening. I know it meant so much to her- I think she might have even been a little proud of herself. This school is amazing.
Butterfly was so present tonight. She played with Brother and they got along great for the most part. At one point they became upset but when I asked Butterfly to explain what she needed to Bother it eventually cleared up....they worked it out themselves. And later, I asked her how her day was and she said "I had fun at school. Sooo much fun!" This morning she had a dentist appointment. She actually asked if she was missing school because she wanted to be there. I can't imagine having to tell that little girl again that she has to change schools. And I don't know where we will find a school that is able to compare. I will never send her back into the regular system. I don't know what we will do.
one day at a time, one hour at a time, one moment at a time--stay here, right now, today. (i speak to myself--be present now, not the past, not the future, now) xoxoxoxo
oh, and BRAVO, Maya. what courage. that is an incredible moment that she had with her classmate. what a great place she has landed in (i totally see why you are committed to making sure this school stays in existence. it is really an agent of change. it's very exciting)
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