Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Vacation is going great! Butterfly Girl has been without incident for several days. Minor tantrums maybe but nothing big. She has been gentle and very patient with Brother. She has laughed- lots. She has used her manners. She has stopped grinding her teeth. She is more easily redirected. I would even say that she is.... happy.

It all makes me wonder about school. It has to be tied to school. Maybe she has those outburst when she feels the most stress. Or nervousness. Or pressure. I also remember that her behavior is cyclical. At least it used to be. We have just been in a rough cycle for a long time. Maybe we are finally in a "good" cycle.

Maybe school is not a good choice for her now. Maybe we should pull her and home school. It is only kindergarten after all. And honestly, it is such a relief to have little Butterfly back from the darkness even if it is only a short respite. The whole family needed this break.

We see the shrink next Friday- just me and Partner. I can't wait. I hope I am not disappointed.

Today is Christmas Eve. The kids are soooooo excited about it. Yesterday, we made cookies to deliver to our neighbors and friends. Today, we will go to the beach and the pier. We hope to go to the snow on Friday! Can't wait. I love being home!

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